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Corporate Social Responsibility

Imagine are proud to confirm we as a company and our employees are governed by our policy to always adhere to our commitment to at all times be ethical and responsible in all we do. This embraces the demands of our customers, suppliers and the broader community.

Business Integrity

Imagine will provide an honest and transparent method of business transactions. As a company we expect our suppliers and customers to adhere to the following policies.

  • Our employees cannot accept any gift, bribe or financial gain in the course of their day to day activities.
  • Our employees cannot offer any bribe, gift or financial gain to any person working on behalf of one of our customers.

At no time can an employee take any action which may bring Imagine into disrepute with any customer, supplier or the wider community.

Commitment to our Employees

At Imagine we recognise the need to offer a safe and secure workplace. We will offer every employee the space to develop their career within the company by providing the necessary internal and external training. Working for Imagine should be a place where everyone is valued and needed, where they feel happy to work, and be confident to tell friends, colleagues, suppliers and customers where they work.

We are an equal opportunities employer and will endeavour to pursue a policy of recruiting people based on their ability to perform a task and not to discriminate them on the grounds of race, marital status, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or disability. We firmly believe in the person and what they can offer the company and will encourage everyone to play their part in making Imagine a success.

Imagine will always be about the people in the business, success will be driven by them now and in the future.

Commitment to our Customers

Imagine are committed to being a trusted supplier to all their customers who will on all transactions supply quality products at the lowest possible price. We are committed to source products and services from suppliers who can prove to us they will always supply products manufactured by reputable companies who only use materials from sustainable sources. We are proud to embrace the recommendations of WWF and will not source paper manufactured from trees felled in rainforests.

Imagine will at all times honour our commitment to offer a fast free delivery service to our business customers and guarantee at all times honour our pricing commitment made annually.

We will actively work with our customers to reduce costs and use products where we believe we can offer better value without compromising the quality, our aim to build a long term meaningful business relationship where we both benefit.

Commitment to the Environment

Imagine have for many years worked with our customers to help them use less, use environmentally sound products and switch where possible to weekly deliveries.

Every part of the process we use is analysed and evaluated to drive down our use of fossil fuels. For example we took a decision five years ago to break with tradition and operate using third party warehousing and logistics for most of our deliveries. Yes we still deliver locally but now trust our logistics to deliver our orders across the U.K. because they first have the depth of stock to fulfil orders first time, and secondly this reduces delivery miles considerably because all our stock arrives on one lorry, not 20, reducing our carbon foot print considerably.

Our deliveries are all made on a modern fleet of vans using the latest fuel saving features and satellite navigation programmes.

We offer a huge range of products which are made from recycled fibres and materials and also ca help you manage your white waste paper by collecting this and sending it back for recycling at the mill.

We are committed to source products and services from suppliers who can prove to us they will always supply products manufactured by reputable companies who only use materials from sustainable sources and manufacturing facilities where they value and respect their employees and where they do not use child labour . We are proud to embrace the recommendations of WWF and will not source paper manufactured from trees felled in rainforests